Cesky Krumlov

A tiny medieval Czech town, Cesky Krumlov is as charming as it appears from the photos. An archway across a bridge marks the entry into the old town and the road turns to chunky cobblestones. The streets twist and turn past quaint little shops and pubs, until you reach the river and see the State Castle towering over you. Tourists are around in droves and as usual, it was best to wander the city at the first and last hours of daylight (coincidentally, also the best hours for photography).


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In the evening, I wandered up through the castle, where people’s shadows cast hard shadows on the stone walls. At the top, I had a good overview of the dark town below. I vowed to return in the daylight, but was foiled as they closed it for the shooting of a “Hollywood” film. We saw actors in medieval garb wandering the streets but weren’t allowed to know which film it was for.

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We took a trip to the local museum too, but not much to report on there, apart from some totally unstaged photos from Tara and Ben. Since the sun was burning down, we thought we’d do a rafting/beer trip down the river. However, soon after we booked, a barrage of rain made us seek shelter in a local pub. I volunteered as tribute to brave the water and go back to cancel our rafting. When I returned, looking forlorn as a dog left outside in the rain, Tara and Ben were a few drinks in and in high spirits. I soon caught up, the bartender’s cocktails packing a deliciously strong punch. After a few hours of this, we rolled down the street and found a restaurant in a cave. There we had gigantic pork knees – massive haunches of meat on the bone cooked over an open fire with mustard and horseradish.





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