
To me, Montenegro will be a valley covered in trees with a turquoise river running through the bottom of it. We stayed at a collection of cabins halfway up the hill called Kamp Greene, and after the previous few bustling cities, was a great way to relax away from the crowds. Two small beagles ran amok in the camp, and shy kittens could be seen venturing through the grass from afar.




Not long after we arrived, a few of us decided to go on a rafting trip. After a half hour drive, we jumped in a 10 person raft and began our trip. It was mostly a leisurely cruise above crystal clear water with a slight green tinge. Leaving several rafts full of Russians in our wake, we went through some bumpy rapids and at one point did an accidental 360 degree turn. The trip took a good two and a half hours, and we enjoyed a quick swim in the river afterwards. On returning, we learnt the two dogs had gone for a long walk and had not come back. That night, we were served up a large platter of meat and vegetables. I joked with one of the girls that worked there that perhaps this was the fate of the two dogs. She looked up, twirled her hair and said that she really shouldn’t say. Later after dinner, the two of us sat on a swing overlooking the valley and spent the evening star gazing.

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