Budapest Part One

As I flew into Budapest, two things were immediately different from Greece. A recent week long storm had flooded the fields, with water spilling over roads. Also, in contrast to the barren brown Greek landscape, lush greenery stretched as far as the eye could see. Luckily, the storm clearer up the day after I arrived, leaving the city hot and muggy. On my first day, I crossed the Danube to the Buda part of the city. A leisurely walk along the river gave a good view of the Parliament buildings. The first tourist stop was Fishermans Bastion, and while I enjoyed a well deserved iced coffee there, the views were ruined by the hundreds of tourists. On the way up, I met a man with 2 small dogs and an over protective mother dog. As the mother barked in warning, the man laughed and told me she had a “big mouth, but is friendly”.

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Crossing back over the river, I entered a large food market at Central Market Hall. The amount of pastries, meat, fruit and vegetables was staggering, although there seemed to be a lot of repetition across stalls. As is often the case while travelling, I longingly looked at the pastries but vowed to not make break my gluten free ways. I managed to get some salami and a custard square thing for a light lunch, before continuing my on foot journey.

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Budapest is a gorgeous mix of architectures, from Art Nouveau to remnants of the Turkish empire. Yet with clean streets and stalls beneath, the city feels modern too. I never got tired of wandering the streets and snapping shots, as there was guaranteed to be a beautiful old building somewhere in shot. As you walk the streets, often yellow trams zoom by, the footpath below you rumbling slightly. I would hitch a ride on them at times for a few blocks, not really bothering to try and understand the ticketing system. Budapest felt both large and intimately welcoming, which I find rare in a city, and made me love it.




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